I realised that if you had your own religion (or better yet, your own country1) it is quite easy to be rich. You can simply declare that not giving you enough money is a punishable crime (if you own a state) or a sin which would require burning until the end of the time2, and extort as much as you like. Then I thought, creating your own religion based on rituals, fathers, bishops, cathedrals is actually easy. You simply tell people that the religion itself is too complicated to be understood by the lowlives like them, hence they need some intermediary3. Since I like money, I wanted to come up with a new religion, and here is the result:


  1. Why we are here?

    We are here to make the world a better place than we have received. Generation by generation, we are designed to make the world a better place, old religions came out of the true path4 and started to harm both living being and world itself, and we are here to fix it.

  2. Who is God?

    Whole universe is the God. Hence, learning any core science, is learning God. God is unknown by anyone, until it is known by everyone.

  3. What should we do?

    Do your best. If you want to make the world a better place, you should first start with yourself. You need to fix every flaw of yourself. When it is said flaw, think about flaws in the way you think, not the way you look. Universe does not care about how you look like.

  4. What are the sins?

    Anything that makes universe, or you, worse is a sin. Anything that makes universe a better place and you a better person, is a good deed. For example, overeating is a sin, because of two reasons: first it makes you less healthy (note that being healthy is a good deed), second it decreases the amount of resources available for other people.

  5. Can I kill some politician, whom I know is corrupt?

    How do you know that he is corrupt? What would happen if somebody thought killing you would make the world a better place? Means do not justify actions, just because you think world would be a better place if you kill someone, does not mean it is true.

  6. Is sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking forbidden?

    Any action that harms your personality, is forbidden. Any experience that makes life better, is a good deed. For example drinking a few pints of beer or few glasses of wine with friends, is a good deed, because it makes the life better for everyone involved. Drinking a full bottle of vodka is a sin5, since it will bring you into a spiral of negativity. Note that you're not allowed to drink more than 14 units per week 6.

    Sex with a prostitute is forbidden, because it increases the demand on prostitution. But having sex with your loved one is a good deed, because it increases your binding.

  7. Should I go out of my way to "help people"?

    The core of the religion is to make the universe a better place, which is not always helping people. In some cases you may need to be very unhelpful for example if somebody is cutting a olive tree for housing.

    You need a balance in your own desires and the desires of the universe. If you do not help yourself, if you cannot realize yourself first, you cannot make universe a better place.

  1. In the past the whole land was owned by the lord, but in our current world we can easily replace lords with the senate. 

  2. I watched Venom and it felt as if it is not going to end, so I presume the end of the time is roughly 3-4 successive Venom's. 

  3. This is a common practice in accounting, healthcare and law. 

  4. We could simply say that old religions are bullsh**t. But this would turn off the practicioners of such religions, and we want to convert as much people as we would like. Because more people means more monnee. 

  5. Vodka is a sh**tty drink. Even if it wouldn't make you drunk you should not drink it.  

  6. This is the amount British CMO recommends